Nona Simakis

(Pagona Simaki, born 1 February  1965 in Veria, Greece)

Nona Simakis lives in Germany since childhood.  She has developed a keen interest in literature at a young age.

In 2000 her first book was released.  „Agapa, die Kunst der bedingungslosen Liebe“ (Agapa, the art of unconditional love) containes of meditiations and spiritual exercises. Her next book „Stern der Erinnerung“  (Star of Rememberance) followed in 2011 with meditation practices and guidance. In the same year „ Des Rosengarten Schmerz“ (The Rose Garden´s Pain) a poetry book was published. One year later the poems „Entscheide dich“ (The Choice Is Yours) and „Aufstieg des Phönix“ (The Raise of the Phoenix) from the latter book were choreographed and performed in Lokremise of Theatre St. Gallen (Switzerland). „Pfauenfeder“ (Peacock Feathers), a collection of Nona´s poetry and aphorisms was publishes in 2013. In December 2015 Nona Simakis interduced her first novel „ Kassandras Weg“ (Kassandra´s Path).

She also works as a freelance journalist and columnist and has contributed to lifestyle magazine TOP DORTMUND with some interviews and writings.

Nona Simakis has trained Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu since 1990 and has founded Bujinkan Tenshi Dojo Dortmund in 1993. She has received the highest rank in Bujinkan(15th Dan) and was awarded the Golden Dragon Award on 2013 by Dr. Hatusmi Masaaki the grandmaster of Bujinkan. Nona has also recieved the „Shin Gi Tai Bufu Ikkan Menkyo“ for her outstanding merits.

The Cypriot mystic Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, better known as Daskalos became her spiritual mentor. Inspired by his teachings Nona developed her Spiritual Philosophy called „ Ousia – the System of Self-Awareness.

Photography and painting are Nona’s great passions. Many of her photographs has been published by her project „Kalender und Aphorismen“ (Calendar and Aphorisms).

Agapa – Gebete,Meditationen und spirituelle Übungen

Stern der Erinnerung

Des Rosengartens Schmerz

Kalender und Aphorismen

Der Rose Wort:
ISBN: 978-3-941653-32-0

Cats and one Dog:
Hommage an die Königin der Katzen-Kalender

Erschienen Juni 2013

Motion Bewegung – eine Hymne
Kalender für 2014
ISBN: 978-3-941653-98-6

Gedichte und Gedanken über das Leben und die Liebe

2013 – Theater – Medien

Die Gedichte ” Entscheide dich” und der “Aufstieg des Phönix, aus dem Buche “Des Rosengartens Schmerz ” , wurden im Theater St.Gallen in der Lokremise tänzerisch umgesetzt.

– Entscheide Dich
– Der Aufstieg des Phönix

August 2013 – Teilnahme an der Anthologie ” Poetika ”
2012 – Kurzgeschichte “Du bist nicht dein Körper ” in dem Buch von Aniko Ligeti: “Wofür lohnt es sich zu leben?”

Dezember 2014

“ Kassandras Weg”
Contemporary Fantasy

Interviews und Kolumne im Top Dortmund



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